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Elfogadásra javaslom -
Tragédia 3 vagy 4 felvonásban

10 June 2016 at 6 pm (and 19 November 2016 at 6 pm)

Director: Júlia Széphelyi

Actors: Gábor Fekete, Máté Hunyadi, Máté Martinkovics, Emina Messaoudi, Anna Mészöly, Áron Sedró, Balázs Szántó, Dávid Vizi

Dramaturge: Mihály Nagy

Production design: Balázs Mucsi

Venue: Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest

Curators: Anna Dohy, Dalma Eszter Kollár, Milán Magyar, Péter Szörényi

Mentor: József Mélyi

Graphic Design: Krisztián Lakosi, Richárd Lakosi, Roland Peltán-Brósz

The documentary theater play and performative exhibition was the degree project of the Fine Art Theory class 2013 (Hungarian University of Fine Arts) created in cooperation with the students of the University of Theatre and Film Arts Budapest. The play is based on the diploma thesis defences at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts between 1951 and 1963 and presents the history of the University through the diploma system that changed three times in the above mentioned period due to political interests. Besides the theatrical instruments the performance integrates the established elements of an exhibition as well, such as the opening speech, the roundtable discussion, the press conference, etc.


Photos © Balázs Dohy


+36 20 473 5575

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