

10 May - 17 May 2017

Exhibition of Ryu Fukui & Martin Góth

Venue: Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest

Opening speech: Mónika Zsikla

Curator: Dalma Eszter Kollár

Graphic design: L² - Krisztián Lakosi 

The word MONOTONE was created from „mono” and „tone” so the title of the project means „one tone”. The MONOTONE exhibition questions the basic characteristics of a painting or a sculpture (e.g. colour, tone, spatiality, contrast) and shows the limits of reproduction. As the reproduction is never equal to the original artwork, two reproductions of the same piece can not be the same either, beacause an artwork in two different conditions (different spaces, different illumination) can never be seen as the same.
The visual (photographic) perception of human becomes questionable as well. If we put a filter between the object and the viewer we take away such informations that are essential in perception. But it is not an optical trick or an illusion. The filters bring the different scales of the works on the same level and this way make them „invisible”. The filters are given, during the creative process the works have to be calibrated to them and the completed artwork consists of the proper conjunctions of the object, the filter and the viewer. The creative process (calibration) demands accurate data (quantities, sizes), scientific base (e.g. Newton’s colour theory) and special conditions.
Since the used data and particular conditions are recorded the artworks can be recreated. These working methods exclude the personality and reduce the individual marks, like in case of minimalism. Beside the conceptual approach of paintings, the MONOTONE project can be connected to the monochrome paintings as well, because in the end the exhibitied works constitute homogeneous fields of colour or tone.


Photos © Lakosi Krisztián


+36 20 473 5575

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